It was challenging for me to select just one person to give my stole to. So many of my instructors and professors influenced me throughout my time at the University of Central Oklahoma. Coming in to the university, I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder. A new OKC transplant, a new mom, and recently unemployed (by choice) for the first time since I was 15 years old. Work was really the only thing I knew and now I was back at school for the remaining couple of years of my twenties… After fumbling through the first few months of motherhood, I had been accepted and began my first semester at UCO. I knew I could nurse my newborn before and after my only class on campus – and it worked for those short four months. I only took one other class online, and then started a Self-Paced Online Course that I could take over the course of six months to ease my way back into a school routine. Shortly after finishing my first semester, I received a phone call that my dad had been in a horrific car accident… a few days later he was gone. It was a month before I could find myself to pick my online course up again, but I did it somehow with only a few days to spare after hitting the submit button on my final exam. My daughter kept me going, but my mind wondered a lot. My husband – what a man – gave me space and encouraged me to keep pushing forward. We couldn’t afford full-time day care and tuition payments on one salary, so we started sending my daughter to an in-home day care two days a week during my second semester. In addition, my mother-in-law helped when I needed to study. I tried to take as many classes as possible at night or online because of my inconsistent schedule. Anyway, the stole… I couldn’t just give it to one professor because so many of them influenced me in one way or another. Since I had such a variety of instructors because of my crazy mommy schedule, I wasn’t able to follow just one or a few professors throughout my time at UCO. Moose Tyler – for a rather unforgettable experience for my first semester. I’m not sure I could have had a better instructor to transition my way back into the college life. She was fun, smart and witty. In my adult life, I pride myself as mostly an “A” student… When I earned a “B” in her class I realized I needed to cut the crap and get serious about this school thing in order to make it through the remaining courses. Mr. Trammell – for the media ethics night class my second semester, and for introducing me to a world of journalism I never even thought about exploring. Not to mention the MANY guest speakers he had visit our class – such incredible minds. During that semester he took us on a tour through The Oklahoma Publishing Company (now The Oklahoman Media Company) where I was able to print the paper for next-day delivery. My immediate thought was “Look Dad! I just printed tomorrow’s paper!!” I left bawling like a baby as memories of my dad came flooding through my mind. I called my brother and we agreed Dad would have been excited about that moment – all thanks to Mr. Trammell. Dr. Mark Hanebutt – for making Media Law interesting and for making LAW interesting. Books are important to learn from, but I learned more from those lectures than any book. I was SO MAD at him for making us go to the court house to write a stinking paper. He told us NOT to sit in on a murder trial, so I did. After spending THREE DAYS in the courthouse, the judge called the verdict and I’ll never forget leaving the courthouse with so much energy to write a paper. Dr. Christy Vincent – for never giving up on her students and pushing us hard to achieve our very best, all while facing her own health challenges. Her personal life never interfered with helping her students succeed - a genuine role model for women. Dr. Terry Clark – what can I say? This man is a curator of minds… I’ve never been more inspired in a short two-week class. Taking #ClarkClass (Twitter for Media) was the best last-minute decision I’ve ever made. So many talented people in one room and the reason I started writing this blog in the first place. Dr. Sherry Johnson – what an enjoyable soul. After taking an online class with her first, I knew I had to take a class with her in person. She’s one of the most organized and laid back professors I’ve taken classes with. Sandy Martin – for teaching us REALLY how it is in the real world – how refreshing to just jump in and work! Breslin – because he’s also a “real-world” kind of instructor. The classroom is what you make of it in college. Life presents obstacles and one must figure it out, or get out! Dr. Chad Perry – for being “the new guy”. I understand what that’s like and I’m sure it’s a little intimidating being the new professor in front of the classroom while everyone whispers, “who’s this guy”. I appreciate the quirky little lessons with the Legos and the coffee distiller, while we all asked “what does this have to do with anything?” It’s nice not to look at a book or computer once in a while and play with toys instead, but still get a lesson in for the day. Dr. Emily Griffin Overocker – for being a fun supervisor, who played double duty as a “life coach” even when she didn’t realize it. Having a supervisor who also has a toddler was extremely therapeutic! Spending all of my time at school meant I had little time to make friends or set up play dates with other moms. My work during my internship was a sort of outlet to practice my skills and work on some portfolio samples – it was fun! Last, I am most grateful for my husband and that he never gave up on me. For our entire relationship, I have been pursuing my dreams in furthering my education and career. This man has never given up on me, even after we announced our engagement and my dad said to him, “Are you sure you know what you’re getting in to?” For all the nights he spent alone with our daughter while I stayed at school until nearly midnight. For all those times of encouragement when I just wanted to give up… I owe my success to him. The stole has been given back to the university, along with my cap and gown, in hopes someone else will find use for them as they take their steps across the stage of success.
July 2016