All of this pressure I’ve put on myself has created “Mean Mommy” to unleash upon our quiet little house. Who is this woman and who let her in? It’s simple. I did. Post graduation should be leaving me with this carefree fun-loving self, who is willing to drop everything and cart Little Bolding happily around town looking for new adventures. (Insert visual of mommy and daughter frolicking through a field of rainbows and butterflies.) When I didn’t get up at the crack of dawn to get a little workout in this morning, I KNEW it was going to be a bad day. Since the little one wasn’t up running circles around me yet, I dismissed that thought and said to myself, “You are wrong. Get down on the floor and breathe.” I gave my best at a pathetic attempt to yoga and a quick glance at my daily devotional. Still no sign of tiny footsteps, so I meditated over this line: “Stay on the path I have selected for you. It is truly the path of Life.” Let me tell you, this week has been incredibly difficult for some reason. Usually by about 10:00 a.m. the positive vibes from morning devotion wear off and Mean Mommy makes her grand entrance without my awareness. We had a busy morning planned of storytime and shopping, so I pushed back my thoughts, threw on some mascara and out the door we went. At storytime today, I met some pretty amazing moms. We sort of gravitated toward one another, as if to be longing for some adult discussion – at least that’s how I felt. As our little ones listened to the story, or didn’t but whatever, we got to chatting and I realized this was the first time I’ve actually inserted myself into a conversation with other people like me. Aka, other moms with toddlers. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been to storytime at the library, gymnastics, parks and whatever else I can think of to keep the little one occupied. However, I’ve been so worried about what my child is doing, or not doing, during that particular activity that I’ve forgotten about myself. Humans long for interaction with other humans obtaining similar characteristics and interests – it’s nature. Duh – no wonder Mean Mommy was trying to consume my life. After all, I’m an extrovert and I need social contact! When recalling our experiences about breastfeeding, one of the moms said something that stuck with me for the day, “…do whatever works for you.” She was referring to breastfeeding versus bottle, but it is still a good reminder and applies to other areas of parenting as well. I’ve heard these words before and I’ve said these words to other nursing mothers, but I suppose I’ve never really listened for myself in terms of applying them to everyday life. Society puts a great deal of pressure on moms these days, or maybe it’s always been that way and I’m just recently a mom who is just now paying attention to what society says about us. Here’s a list I’m sure you are all familiar with:
Aahhh – no wonder Mean Mommy was trying to take over my life! As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been doing some reading this summer and one of the books is titled The Confident Mom by Joyce Meyer. She says we should not compare ourselves to others. Meaning other moms of course. That’s a pretty good reminder. It’s easy to compare ourselves with the constant flow of immediate updates from social media. I’m guilty of it and I know better, but I still get sucked into it. During stop number two of the day, we actually had a number two accident. That’s right, we were shopping and someone ran off and pooped in the corner – in her PANTIES!!! We JUST went before we left our first stop. Oh, but we went number ONE at stop number one. My bad! I took her out to the car to change and dispose of the disgusting grossness she created, and my dad’s voice popped into my head with these words: “Sh** happens kiddo!” Following his words was a familiar unique chuckle. I couldn’t help but laugh.
That’s when I realized:
July 2016